Who are we?

Coordinating Organization:

Tournons La Page (TLP) is an international citizens’ movement, bringing together nearly 250 organizations, that leads and relays actions to promote democratic alternation in Africa. TLP first came into being as an international campaign launched on October 15, 2014 with an appeal entitled “In Africa as elsewhere, no democracy without alternation” signed by 550 organizations and personalities from Africa and Europe.

In 2019, it became an international citizen movement with a legal existence and elective governing bodies. In the field, Tournons La Page is present in ten countries (Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea, Niger, DRC, Togo).

With the financial support of :

  1. CCFD-Terre Solidaire : 
    Le Comité Catholique contre la Faim et le Développement – Terre Solidaire agit contre toutes les formes d’injustices pour que les droits fondamentaux de chacun soient respectés et promus. En premier lieu, celui de ne pas souffrir de la faim, de la pauvreté et des inégalités.

  2. Le CRID :
    Le CRID (Centre de Recherche et d’Informations pour le Développement) est un réseau, fondé en France en 1976, qui réunit aujourd’hui une cinquantaine d’organisations de solidarité internationale et d’éducation à la citoyenneté. Le CRID porte une dynamique de réflexion et d’action dans une approche systémique de la solidarité internationale qui dénonce le capitaliste, le racisme et le patriarcat ; dans cette dynamique, le CRID s’engage pour développer des alternatives à la mondialisation capitaliste et ses ravages, et résister aux reculs des droits et libertés partout pour tout.e.s.

  3. NDI
    Le National Democratic Institute (NDI) est une organisation non gouvernementale, non partisane et à but non lucratif qui travaille en partenariat dans le monde entier pour renforcer et sauvegarder les institutions, les processus, les normes et les valeurs démocratiques afin de garantir une meilleure qualité de vie pour tous. Le NDI envisage un monde où la démocratie et la liberté prévalent, dans le respect de la dignité de chacun. 

Comité de pilotage de la Campagne : 

  1. Afrique-Europe-Interact :
    Afrique-Europe-Interact, a network working exclusively on a voluntary basis, was created at the end of 2009. The participants in this network are grassroots activists mainly from Mali, Togo, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands – among them many refugees, migrants and deportees.


  2. Réseau Africain de Droit Constitutionnel :
    The African Constitutional Law Network (ACLN) is an association of judges, jurists, academics, activists, NGOs, research institutes and scholars and lawyers interested in constitutional law and the development of constitutionalism in African countries. Affiliated with the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), the ACLR was first established in 1997 and then re-launched in Nairobi in April 2007 after a period of inactivity.


  3. Africans Rising :
    Africans Rising aspires to play a critical role on the continent by engaging governments, businesses, and even established international and national NGOs to focus on the challenges that Africans see as critical, including demands for a fair global trading system, concrete actions to combat the effects of climate change, and the creation and strengthening of a representative coalition to protect our natural resources and the environment.


  4. Afrika Jom Center


  5. Centre de Recherche sur l’État en Afrique – CREA


  6. Front Citoyen Togo Debout
    The Front Citoyen Togo Debout (FCTD) was created on September 22, 2017 in response to the upsurge of the socio-political crisis that occurred in Togo in August of the same year. This citizen’s movement brings together about twenty organizations from Togo and the Diaspora. An organization campaigning for the affirmation of a true rule of law in Togo and the improvement of public governance, the FCTD fights resolutely for a democratic changeover in Togo and joined in October 2019, the international Coalition ” Tournons La Page ” (TLP).


  7. Synergie Togo
    Synergie-Togo is a non-profit association created in Paris in 2008. Its objective is to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of Togo. The association’s mission is to raise awareness among members of the Togolese diaspora about their responsibilities towards their country of origin. It also serves as a framework for reflection and action mobilizing the various skills and experiences for the promotion of the values of solidarity, democracy and human rights.

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